Monday, April 27, 2009

Audrey Hepburn Films @ Metro Arts, Brisbane

Audrey Hepburn fans rejoice!

Metro Arts Studio in Brisbane are playing 3 of Ms Hepburn's films on May 16th. Roman Holiday, Breakfast at Tiffany's and How to Steal a Million are showing from 1pm - tickets are $10 for one film, $15 for two and $18 for all three.

Contact Metro Arts to book on 07 3397 3028 or check out the What's On section on their website.
I'm told if you haven't seen a Hepburn film on the big screen, your not a true fan (so I'm going regardless of whether the man is coming with me or not - I'm prempting not).
Yours truly

Test Drive: Pantene 3 Minute Miracle

What THEY say: Pantene’s new 3 Minute Miracle provides a salon quality treatment experience. Enriched with a new formula, it’s designed to help repair three months of damage in just three minutes, giving hair a beautiful shine.

Directions: Wash hair with shampoo & conditioner and apply 3 Minute Miracle to strands. Leave in for 3 minutes, rinse thoroughly.

Want shiny hair without getting goop all over your hands? Then this is the product for you. Ever one to get sucked in by good advertising I decided I needed to try Pantene’s 3 Minute Miracle treatment for myself instead of reading bucket loads of magazine reviews, mostly written by Procter & Gamble’s copywriters who make it sound like you can’t live WITHOUT the stuff.

They say first impressions last and to find a 3 tube pack for only $9, things were going right for this product from the get-go. I’d been told by a lot of people that Pantene products should be avoided if you’re a consistent colourer due to the high level of silicone but I had only even been told this about their shampoo and conditioner and determined if the worst happens and I end up looking like Britney Spears (before the extensions) then my hairdresser is only a 5 minute drive away and is known to work magic no matter what the “condition”.

To my pleasant surprise, this stuff actually works. According to the well written blurb on the tube, 3 Minute Miracle makes your hair considerably smoother and silkier and they were right. After the normal routine of blow dry & straighten, there was noticeable shine just like they promised. Even after 4 days and 2 more washes, the “just been to the hairdresser” feel is still there and looks to be hanging in for another day or two.

Pros: If you’re after great shine for a function or event, get your hands on this stuff - your hair will be shiner than a detailed Ferrari at a Motor Show.

Cons: If like me you don’t like to wash your hair everyday of the week, you will find that on day two your hair feels greasier than normal and might actually need another wash. You also wouldn’t think that there was such as thing as too much smoothness but if you need an up-do, I’d steer clear of it (all those smooth strands unfortunately don’t stay up as well as slightly dirtier ones).

You’d be hard pressed to find a product under that’s cheaper, easier and more instant and if you’re after that “salon feel” without the $200 price tag, I’d certainly recommend the 3 Minute Miracle. Whilst I didn’t actually have 3 months of damage to repair, it lived up to its claim of beautiful shine, my only challenge was trying to wash my hair and shave my legs in 60 seconds to try and keep my shower to the governments recommended “4 minute save water” time limit.

4 out of 5 stars

Next Test Drive: Clinique Take the Day Off Make-Up Remover Milk

Yours truly


Friday, April 24, 2009

TGIF (and some Friday photos)

You know its Friday when you’re organising lunch and after work drinks all before you’ve had your morning coffee. Our chosen venues today (in case you haven’t got anywhere planned yet) are Beccofino in Teneriffe (fantastic pizza and a great wine list) and Emporium Hotel, Fortitude Valley. Normally I’d steer clear of the Emporium Hotel based on price but my cousin is visiting from Perth and staying there so it’s a special occasion. Plus I want to have a sticky beak at the hotel rooms as I still haven’t seen inside one yet - apparently they’re hot, check out the pics on their website here).

I couldn’t help but post a nice image to get you geared up for the weekend (see above) and one of my favourite artists is a guy by the name of Monsiuer Z (cool name or what?). I was given one of his birthday card designs a number of years ago and fell in love with the great graphics and scenes he creates (minus of course the fact that I stare longingly at the women and wish I looked like them). His work is hard to find in stores but his website is worth a peek.
If you need some Friday night web browsing inspiration (or just like to gander at what other people wear), I recently discovered Chictopia which once you’re registered, allows you to post photos of your own outfit creations for other people to check out. It’s also free to view everyone else’s galleries so once you’ve exhausted this month’s magazines style pages, it’s worth checking out the style gallery.

Now that it’s getting slightly cooler in Eastern states, I’ve found a few photo’s that might help you decide what to wear this weekend (I know the sun is still out in Brisvegas but I know it’s chilly when I have to close the bathroom windows to stop the breeze coming in of a morning). I love the arty photographs and outfit ideas these gals (and guys) come up with – definitely one to add to your favourites.
Enjoy your weekend, whatever you're doing.
Yours truly

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Update: Lets go stimulate (the economy)

Thanks to for enlightening me on the fact that my postcode being 4014 really had nothing to do with me getting my stimulus package yesterday (well, it did but it was RANDOM).

All cheque and EFT payments will be made using a post code selection process that is randomly generated, ensuring all post codes are evenly distributed to each state and territory each night (using the Australia Post predetermined percentage spread). For this reason and because of security concerns, we are not planning to publish a distribution schedule.

Not that I mind of course, I've already got my eye on some new patent pumps in Witchery (although a little pricey for Witchery at $199....but that's another story/post).

Here's hoping if you haven't got yours yet, you get it soon.

Yours truly

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Lets go stimulate (the economy)

I've never cared so much about my postcode - thanks to a tip off from a work colleague yesterday I found out the government's stimulus package's were being sent out via postcode starting in the city (4000). Being one of a few lucky Nudgee residents I finally today received my $900.

What's frustrating is the fact that I couldn't bring myself to leave it all in my bank account and spend like Mr Rudd wants me to - so the credit card got a good top up. I reasoned though that $150 was enough to keep for something special and after realising I need new shoes this morning when trying to dress for work, I think a small shopping trip is in order (thankfully my cousin is coming over from Perth this weekend so if the man asks, I've got an excuse to go into town!).
So thanks K-Rudd for making me feel a little better about the few splurges I had at QVB in Sydney (and for making my bank balances look so much better so early in the pay month).
Yours truly

Hot or Not?

Beyonce & Jay-Z = HOT

Lady Gaga = we think NOT

Bobbi Brown's Makeup Manual = very HOT

Madonna looking like she's about to go horse riding = definately NOT

What do you think? Leave me a comment!

Yours truly


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Whoever said money can't buy happiness simply didn't know where to shop

Is it possible to be excited about an interstate trip but loath it at the same time?

To avoid sending you all to sleep, I won’t explain the reason why I'm anxious about our imminent trip to Sydney and instead indulge in the fact that we'll have 2 days to do some sight-seeing and shopping (which will no doubt get rid of my anxiousness as we all know shopping gets rid of the mean reds - just ask Audrey).

Who would have thought that a Brisbanite of 25 years has barely seen a street in Sydney her whole life? Especially one with a penchant for shopping such as I have. It's not often we get the chance to venture to neighbouring cities that are less than an in-flight movie away so when the opportunity knocks, I welcome it with tea and biscuits.

The only problem I foresee for our quick trip is if my partner actually allows me to do a spot of shopping (here's hoping my Mum & Dad will convince him), I need to be selective about what I'm going to buy. My winter list is completed and printed out, ready to reference at any point (see my previous posts if you need some tips on what to put on yours) but knowing my haphazardness when put in front of a well organised Witchery window, my list goes out the door faster than my partner does.

Need proof of holiday purchases that end being ebay items in 5 minutes? Just look at some of the items you can pick up in Byron Bay that never see the light of day - did I really need that dream catcher necklace and hippy printed skirt? Not likely unless I decide to move to West End and wave incense around me as I walk the streets handing out "SMILE" stickers to passersby.

So it's with all good intentions we set off over the border for a few days of family, friends and shopping in the hope that upon my return I will be able to present you with my wonderful purchases. If you don't hear from me for a few days, presume the worst (my partner got a hold of my credit card and locked me in the hotel room - nooooo!).

Yours truly

PS. Thanks to the lovely Fabsugar website for making one of my winter outfits today’s Look of the Day!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

In loving memory

Most grandmas have a touch of the scallywag. ~Helen Thomson

In loving memory of my wonderful Grandmother, Joan. Wife to Kevin, mother to Phillip, Geoffrey & Heather.

We shall wistle for you next time we shell peas.

Yours truly

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I heart Etsy

Sick of the all the usual chain store buys? Need a gift for someone that's handmade and not available anywhere else? Then get your self onto (you can thank me later). A fantastic website full of clothing, jewellry, art, homewares, gifts and all manner of beautiful handmade bits and pieces.

Some of the items on this site are devine, I could spend hours trawling through the jewellery and children's clothes. In fact, I did last night. I seem to have picked up a secret obsession for all things bird like lately and after doing a search on the site, came across pages and pages of "add to cart" items. Check out some of my finds.....

Each image has a link to the Etsy store if you like them enough to buy them. Just be careful, this site is highly addictive.
Yours truly

Monday, April 6, 2009

Get her look, save some moulah

I have mentioned this Kate Moss outfit once before and am in love with it so much, I just had to mention it again. What's more, I've found almost identical items for way less than what Miss Moss would have paid (let's not even begin to imagine).

Items from left to right:

Target tunic $49.99

Dotti blazer: $89.95

Nine West boots: $349

French Connection bag: $199.95

Leona Edmiston Pins: $16.95 - $19.95

Supre belt: $15

For my Grandmother

A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts.

~Washington Irving

I don't know whether anyone else experiences this but I truely believe my Mother and I have a bond like none other. While doing some re-arranging of my bookcase yesterday I was inspired after reading Anna Spiro's blog and decided to take a few photos around the house. Little did I realise the photo's I took were going to mean more to me than ever after finding out my Grandmother is unwell and may not survive the week. While I was doing this, my Mother must have had the same feelings and decided she needed to bake something from my Grandmothers cookbook.

Is it because we spend the first 9 months of our lives depending entirely on our mothers that we have this special bond with them? Or is there more to it? Or are my Mother and I just weird?!

Who will ever know I suppose. What I do know is that my Grandmother was a wonderful woman and I hope she is resting comfortably and goes on to a better place (I may not believe in God but I believe we go somewhere). And all my positive thoughts are with my Mum and her brothers...... I only hope that you reflect on the good times you had growing up and know that you are the beautiful people you are because of your Mother.

Yours truly
NB. If you're wondering, the picture frames & candle sticks are from Ikea, the D&H letters my mother painted for my partner and I and the books were a gift from a friend and are available at most good book stores . The 3 titles are:
Love - The words & inspiration of Mother Teresa
Imagine - The words & inspiration of John Lennon
Liberty - The words & inspiration of John F Kennedy

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Rain, rain go away

I couldn't help but post about these. While talking to my Mum on the phone this morning, she told me how she found the most wonderful pair of tartan gumboots at her local hardware shop and she fell in love with them (she lives in Byron Bay in case you're wondering why they have stylish gumboots at a hardware store). Since Northern NSW and some parts of Queensland have been experiencing so much rain this week, I feel it only fitting I mention something so practical - and trust my Mum to find something practical AND fashionable.
The best thing is that the boots pictured above are available at your local Big W and will set you back a tiny $29.74. Slightly more expensive than the pair my Mum found but still as funky. Mum, if your reading this, don't go back and buy the ones you saw, there'll be a pair of these ones in the post to you before you know it!
Sweater, n.: garment worn by child when its mother is feeling chilly. ~Ambrose Bierce
Yours truly

Affordable fashion

Sunday morning. Coffee in hand, toast devoured and dog loudly sniffing for crumbs at my feet. This week’s Grazia at the ready. Expecting all manner of incomprehensibly expensive clothing and accessories sprawled across its pages. Pouring over Favourite Fashion Moments and the Fashion Top 10 and my expectations are confirmed. But..... What’s this? Are those Target clothes that look suspiciously like they could be from the “labels” level of David Jones?

Ok, ok, so it’s pretty obvious when the bright red headline reads The devil wears Target but cover it up with another pair of skinny leg jeans (yes, just $49.99) and I guarantee you would have been just as shocked as I was. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve known for a number of years there’s the odd bargain to be found in many a place like Target and we all know how well the collaborations with designers Tina Kalivas and Stella McCartney have gone but put together as they have been on pages 40 and 41 and I mistook them for another bunch of irresistible and over priced winter wishes that would set you back half your monthly pay packet.

I can’t help but love the cute fingerless gloves, argyle vest and lumber jacket with fur trim – all under $50. Grazia have got it right, “layering monochrome accessories with crisp white and soft greys” is just one of the great trends for autumn 2009. And thanks to places like Target, in financial times like these some of us can go home with 4 items that the girls at the office will think you picked up from Country Road - not on sale.

Three items for less than $110 wasn’t enough? Well you’re in luck, Target have yet another page full of hot picks inspired by the hit flick Rebel without a Cause and Dotti has their own promotional page all about boho babushka. A cute bomber jacket and red wrap cardigan have caught my eye and encouraged me to search for a few more key items for the budget conscious but fashion obsessed.

After seeing Confessions of a Shopaholic yesterday and in true Rebecca Bloomwood style, you can’t go past a snazzy pair of gloves and if you’re daring enough, try something bright in orange leather. I also can’t resist a beautiful trench coat no matter what the colour and Big W comes to the party with a purple tie waist style that won’t date.

Since the only time you should bare all underneath a trench coat is Valentine’s Day, you’ll need something for inside the office and (recently released into the Australian market from NZ) has pages to choose from. The gorgeous Natalia high neck dress will take you from the office to drinks without a fuss.

You might think it a clash with orange gloves and a purple coat but if you need a colour injection once a week, add a soft red knitted scarf from French Connection and you’ll stand out from the crowd. To top it all off and stick to the budget, try the heeled brogues from Payless Shoes. Pair them with black opaque stockings and your legs will look longer than the Empire State building.

Total price tag a low $448. I’ve seen brooches worth more than that (refer Grazia page 58!). Not to mention you can pair every item back with the rest of your wardrobe and you’ll last the next season.

Yours truly

Saturday, April 4, 2009

I have a confession

After seeing numerous trailers for Confessions of a Shopaholic and thinking it was going to be 2 hours of Isla Fisher screaming, my girlfriend and I just returned home pleasantly surprised and giggling like school girls.

While most scenes are very predictable and it’s cinematography very Sex & the City like, it was still a great laugh and inspirational in a number of ways (yes, I know it’s just a Hollywood chick flick but you’d be surprised at how much we’re subconsciously influenced by them).

Relieved were we that we both didn’t have as much credit card debt as Rebecca but, jealous were we also that we weren’t anywhere near as daring with our fashion choices. To say Bec’s colour combinations were daring would be an understatement but she managed to pull off every outfit just as good as Carrie. Unfortunately what got to me the most was her secret debt and the clothes she hid that got her into it.

I still remember a shopping trip at the age of 12 when after the routine parade of purchases I watched my Mum put 3 items back into their bags and placed them on top of the wardrobe. Why, I asked, weren’t they going on coat hangers ready to wear first thing Monday morning like all purchases should? What a silly question that was. While my parents were certainly not short of money, my Mum still knew that when it came to shopping, Dad’s sometimes just don’t get it. And sometimes, it’s better to stash a few tops away till next month so they don’t realise how much you spent!

But alas, having since grown up and done the same thing myself (here’s hoping my man doesn’t read this post) I’ve realised that, like Rebecca Bloomwood, I need to be more careful with my spending. Hearing the government’s stimulus package heads into our bank accounts next week, I’ve decided to be more frugal with the $950 and put majority of it on my credit card. I say majority, only because K-Rudd himself instructed us to stimulate the economy and stimulate the economy I will - hello “Sabrina” dress from Saba.

So while I sit here and think of all the things I shouldn’t spend the rest of the stimulus package on and search the internet for more inspirational photos of Ms Bloomwood’s outfits, I only hope that if you haven’t seen Confessions yet, you get yourself to the cinema quick smart (bypassing any sale signs on the way).

Yours truly

Friday, April 3, 2009

Friday photos

I'm not normally a big Kate Moss fan but thanks to her latest collaboration with Topshop, I think she's changed my mind. Don't get me wrong, she's got a sense of style that makes her an icon for her generation but I've just never seen the mass appeal.

Hence my shock at finding her in 2 more fantastic outfits to promote her new Topshop line while doing my usual Friday photo search (which if you've got a hot date, big party or BBQ organised for the weekend can give you some fantastic ideas on what to wear). She makes a simple green maxi & leather jacket look hotter than hot, and yet does casual to a tea in a boho tunic and boots.

In honour of what is going to be a Gossip Girl marathon at my house this weekend (refer to my previous post about the man being away) I have to include Taylor Momsen on set as Jenny Humphrey. A great example of how to use that little black dress in winter simply by adding stockings and boots (take a note from her on the haircut too, in case you hadn't noticed, bangs are back!).

And last but by no means least, the gorgeous Emma Roberts who if you didn't know (and many of us didn't!) is the lovely young niece of Julia. With a list of movies and TV shows longer than your arm, her simple cardigan & boot ensemble is the epitomy of casual chic (and is making me want to go shopping for boots already).

Weekend's away.....

Yours truly

While the cats away

I’d love to say the mouse will play but I think old age is getting to me. Instead of rounding up my girlfriends for a night of music, food and world famous punch, I have decided that the couch beckons – as does thousands more episodes of Gossip Girl.

Yes, I was a late GG bloomer –I am only half way through the first season (kindly donated by my best friend, thanks SH) but I was hooked after watching the first 10 minutes and intend to spend all weekend in between housework and shopping, watching the drama unfold and drooling over the clothes.

After catching episode 8 “Seventeen Candles” last night, I fell in love with Blair a little more thanks to her Japanese themed birthday party and the fact that she managed to receive a table full of presents wrapped to match. As much as I hate to confess it, the Martha Stewart/Tonia Todman in me loves themed gift wrapping which lead me to this lovely blog that I plan to read in the coming weeks: and the authors online shop: (unfortunately only ships within America but great for ideas!).
When not catching up on S and B’s lives or cleaning the house in preparation for the man to arrive home from a trip to Sydney, I am going antiquing properly for the first time. I’ve most certainly set foot in many an antique store over the years and purchased an item or two but this time around I have a few specific stores to visit and some cash in hand. A lazy Saturday afternoon not 2 months prompted me to go, after catching the movie “Designing Woman” starring Gregory Peck and Lauren Becall on tele. The fantastic apartment Becall’s character lives in reminded me that when it comes to homewares, chain store buys are practical and affordable but a few eclectic antiques give a room a charm that Freedom and Ikea just can’t provide.

If you’re a Brisbanite, Southside Antiques on Ipswich Road at Annerley has a fantastic selection of furniture, clothing and brick-a-brack as does the New Farm Antique centre on Commercial Road, Teneriffe. Fingers crossed I can track down an old style soda siphon to put towards my man’s birthday present (a mass of old world bar paraphernalia). Now all we need is a bar in the dining room like Ms Becall’s and we’re ready for the clash of the poker club & the drama society!

Yours truly

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Make a list and check it twice....

And no, I’m not talking about the grocery kind.

At least once in every woman’s life, she’ll sit down to make a list - be it what to pack on a holiday, the pros and cons of a relationship or who to invite to her wedding. We all know lists can be written with all good intentions then end up in the bottom of our handbags with old receipts and dirty tissues but stick to them when there’s money involved and you’ll thank yourself later.

Noggin warmers
We all know we lose the most heat around our body from our head so it makes sense to jump on the winter hat trend and this year, it's a BIG trend. For some a winter hat might not be overly practical if you have to go in and out of an office building several times a day but for those that spend a little more time outside and need to keep your body temperature in check, try a beret, beanie or peaked style.

Scarves, scarves and more scarves
Ever felt like you wear the same 5 outfits each week but change the day you wear them on in the hope that no one will notice? Well worry no more, invest in a few scarves for the new season and your wardrobe almost doubles. Whether its lightweight cotton, fringe edged or pom-pom ended, add one of these winter warmers to your outfit and everyone will think you’ve been on a Paris Hilton like shopping spree over the weekend.

Keep me warm coats
If you need a reason to hang a blazer in your cupboard because you can’t get past the feeling of being back in high school, just take a leaf out of Kate Moss’ book. Known for a number of signature styles and starting trends, she has a knack of putting together a great blazer and dress look. Topped off with opaque stockings and either boots or patent heels, it’s a simple yet classic look that will help take a summer dress into the cooler months.

For those in areas that require a thicker coat or just when you need something to keep the warmth in while travelling from one club to the next, go for a perfectly cut long winter coat. The trench coat is of course the most classic (think Ingrid Bergman in Casablanca and Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s) but the military jacket or double breasted pea coat are other options to keep an eye out for.

And then there’s the cardigan – if you follow fashion in any way, shape or form you’ll know they aren’t just for nanna’s anymore. The long line cardigan can be found in every store from Supre to Sussan and are an easy update for the earlier months of winter when a coat is too much (or if like me your air conditioning at work seems to be stuck on 21° and makes your shoulders freeze on a daily basis).

One thing to take note of when on the lookout for a long cardigan is the shape around the hemline. The long line cut is great for hiding a slightly wider thigh however; some cuts can actually billow in the wrong place making you look like you’ve spent too much time on the exercise bike.

The best way to avoid this is to lay the cardigan down flat and buttoned up. If there’s a pear shape in front of you, avoid it at all costs (unless of course your Lindsay Lohan and could actually do with some plumping up).

Legs eleven
We all know the leggings trend has caused wide spread debate in fashion circles but it seems it’s a look that’s hung around longer than most of us thought. If you like the extra warmth leggings give but don’t like the look then try these – thick black opaque stockings are like the blazer, a bit high school but they not only stop your legs from getting frostbite, they also make you look taller. Wearing boots? Then go with the leggings for even colder days, you don’t see where they stop at the ankle and don’t have the sheer look stockings can give (tip: search for a pair with seams on the inside of the leg or none at all).

These boots were made for walking
Ah the shoe boot. Who would have thought there was a new style out there just waiting to pop up on a celebrity foot and make 99% of the female population drool worse than Homer Simpson? While I’m not all for the shoe boot (short legs you see) I’m still seeing huge numbers of them on fashionable feet at clubs and restaurants around town. And if you’re not into the shoe boot yet, the knee high boot is and always will be a staple for winter and I have all good intentions of buying myself a new pair this season – I just have to decide which pair.

Look good in leather
A last minute inclusion to the list is the hottest item of the year - the biker jacket. While a good quality real leather one might break the budget (and effectively use up your entire stimulus package) with a bit of searching you can pick one up at a bargain price and still have enough left over to pay off a few hundred on the credit card. Alternatively, if you like the look but don’t like the price tag, there are a number of cheaper “leather look” options around.

And so it’s off to the nearest shopping centre I go, list in hand, budget in mind. Of course staying on track and only purchasing the items I said I needed might be hard. Besides, who can resist a few new necklaces and that extra pair of flats that I just must have because they’ll go with everything?

Yours truly

New season fashion vs economic crisis: the battle has begun.

In a recent staff summit at my office I noted down a few interesting comments made by our guest speaker, one Gary Bertwistle ( in relation to the economic crisis affecting our world today. The one quote that was most interesting to me was from none other than Microsoft guru and notable millionaire Bill Gates who stated “we are in an economic downturn but an innovation upturn”.

Why did I find this one most interesting? Well a number of reasons actually. One of them being that in less than a month Australian Fashion Week rolls around again to showcase a fantastic new season of designer garments, key trends, new faces and new labels. What will be interesting this year is how an economic crisis such as the one we are in will affect what walks down the runway. I recently read in a number of different online and print articles that research shows hemlines rise in good financial times and fall in bad. Floor length maxi anyone?

Visit any online search engine for recession tips and you’ll be reading for hours. Scour the magazine racks at your local newsagent and you’ll see an array of discount offers and freebies. Hit the major chain store websites online and you’re bombarded with sale items. And what can only be described as the nicest thing a government has ever done for its country, check your bank balance at the beginning of April and many of you will have received $950 to “stimulate the economy” – thanks K-Rudd!

As we reach the beginning of Winter and what will no doubt be a prolific time in every Australian’s life (telling your grandkids you survived the global financial crisis will make for good bedtime stories) it’s with Kevin Rudd’s approval - nay – directive, that we spend, spend, spend. Now I don’t know about you but I need little help to get out of a bikini and Havianas and into a trench coat and boots each year - what some people might find hard however, is what to spend said stimulus package on. According to 2 of the 4 magazines I’ve read in the last few weeks, it should be “investment pieces that will last longer than the recession itself” yet according to the other 2 magazines out of those 4, we need to be more budget savvy and start looking to lower end labels and chain stores for bargain basement prices.

So how do you invest wisely but shop on a budget? Take a note out of Martha Stewart’s diary and make a list. A GFC list if you will. And the best way to start a list of what you don’t have is to look at what you do have. Slim line blazer to go with your skinny jeans? Check. Tie-waist trench coat for getting to & from the office? Check. The newest shoe trend to take the world by storm the shoe boot? Check. A plethora of scarves to update last week’s outfit? Check. Black opaque stockings to take a summer dress into the cooler months? Check.

If like me though, you live in a country that is still averaging 28° days then you won’t have any of the above and are in dire need of a shopping spree (with your GFC list of course). Stay tuned to see what’s going on my list for the new season…………………

Yours truly
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