Monday, May 18, 2009

Weekend wind-up

1. Cleaning
Praise the lord for James Home Services. 3 hours and $110 later and a dog hair free couch, paw print free tiles and taps so shiny I could put my lippie on in front of them.

2. Shopping
The dog’s been for a walk, the house is being cleaned and you’ve got 3 hours free – what else do you do but shop? (in fear of feeling like a Stepford wife minus the Prozac and twin set, I made sure my shopping trip had a purpose – I was researching for this blog).

3. Truck Show
Yes, that’s right. Truck Show. Haven’t been to one? Let me enlighten you – big, shiny, expensive road trains, RM Williams boots and flannelette shirts on every second person and an unheard of amount of mullets (so much so I lost count). In case you’re wondering why on earth I would go to a truck show, it was for my man’s work. And, even if I do say so myself, he was the best dressed bloke in the whole place (thanks to some great tan shoes we picked up from yd prior to the show – on sale for $99.95, bargain). I may not be into flannel (even though it’s similar to tartan) but I love my man, so much so I missed a screening of Breakfast at Tiffany’s to stand around and stare at wheels taller than me for an hour.

4. X Men Origins – Wolverine
It’s hideously expensive and I hate the colour of the chairs but when you can put your feet up, have your food brought out to you at the time you chose and drink a bottle of wine at your leisure, there’s nothing better than gold class movies. Add in a decent amount of Hugh Jackman built buffer than Arnold Schwazanegger in Terminator (phwoar) and you’ve got a great Sunday night. Just don’t check your bank balance after the movie tickets, wine and dinner - yikes.

5. Mondayitis
Only cured by a good coffee, healthy breakfast (I highly recommend Uncle Toby’s Apple & Cinnamon oats) and some leisurely time to sift through emails. While all Monday’s might not be this easy, at least there’s only 4 more days till the next weekend. A big shout out to the Brisbane Barracudas Women’s team for winning the National League title on the weekend in Sydney – if anyone’s going to have a case of Mondayitis, it’s them (I believe they were still up at 5am Sunday morning drinking from their silver cup). Well done girls!

Yours truly

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