This week was bursting with great photos, due largely to a few major award nights both in America and Australia. My pick of the Emmy's earlier this week was the gorgeous Kate Walsh and stunning Toni Collete. Kate rarely puts a foot wrong when it comes to style and while I wouldn't normally like this type of dress, Ms Walsh works it well and has matched a lovely shade of light blue/grey with her complexion and hair colour.
There's also no going past our very own Toni Collete. Not only did she look red (or should I say pink) hot at the show, she also took home the Emmy for Best Actress in a Comedy Series for The United States of Tara. If you haven't checked this program out (Wednesday nights, 9.30pm on ABC1) then you need to sit yourself down and watch! Not only is Toni an amazing actress but the story lines and supporting cast are fantastic. Each episode seems to be getting crazier by the week and we just love it in our house (certainly makes you feel like you're not as insane as you thought you were).
It seems there were so many events around the globe this week that I couldn't decide which photos to put up.... so instead of posting evey shot and telling you why I like them, I'm just going to let you gawk on your own. A special note must go to little Miss Dirrty though, Christina Aguilera. After having her little baby Max while back now, we haven't seen much of the songstress (and to be honest, what I have seen wasn't all that great compared to how she used to get dolled up!). But this recent shot of her makes me think she might be making her way back into the celebrity/music world. Plus you've gotta give a girl some credit for finding a look and sticking with it. Platinum blonde hair and red lipstick will never go out of style (and least she's probably hoping so).
I've also been trasping the internet this week for all things bridal..... not because I'm getting married (sorry to dissapoint anyone who's reading this that knows me and my man).
A girlfriend and her partner recently announced their engagement (at their baby shower no less) and I've offered to help her make her wedding invitations. Considering I've only ever made one wedding invitation i
n my designing life, I thought I better have a sticky beak at what everyone else does (not being married means I have no experience in this field - and what a bloody big field it is).

Enter 100 Layer Cake. I came across this blog while doing a google image search on wedding invitations and immediately fell in love. Their selection of photographs of real weddings, their colour boards, DIY tips and links to wedding supply companies are second to none. The only problem is it does mean you get stuck on the internet going back through old posts for hours. Beware - you will need some time to read this blog, you'll get sucked into the beautiful images and wedding ideas even if you're not getting married!
What I really love most about this blog though are the Real Weddings they chose to post about. Almost every single one has something a little quirky about it - while still being reasonably traditional with bridesmaids, receptions etc, each one really shows the personalities of the bride and groom through colours, invitations, wacky photos and even a few special guests - who wouldn't want their puppy at their wedding?
My favourite idea from the real weddings from these guys though has to be photo booths. It's always fun to see everyone else's photos from an event (especailly when someone slightly more sober at the end of the night has the camera on those who have had a few too many) and this is one idea I would love to steal for any function. Providing a cool backdrop for guests to take their own happy snaps would no doubt leave you with some cool shots for a wedding album no? 

What's also interesting is the amount of work the bride and groom from a lot of these weddings do themselves. So many couples create their own invitations, make bridesmaid dresses and ties and even decorate the reception areas themselves. Granted as you read some of the stories you'll find some people work in creative fields which would help with an eye for what works but by searching the internet (and blogs like this) and talking to wedding planners or designers, you'd be surprised at what you could create yourself.
And so into the weekend we head.... it's AFL Grand Final day tomorrow here in Australia and while my team may not have made it into this momentus game (shame Port Adelaide, shame) I still get excited by all the colour and passion displayed by Aussies on this one day in September. Congratulations to Gary Ablett Jr who took out the Brownlow on Monday evening and to his gorgeous girlfriend (see Friday photos above) who was my pic of the best dressed ladies of the evening - very on trend with the big necklace.
I managed to come second in my footy tipping comp this season - pipped at the post by my man - and I tipped Geelong for the win tomorrow but either way, it's going to be a great day and I hope you enjoy the game wherever you're watching from. Lets hope the dust has settled (literally this week!) and it's a warm, sunny weekend for football, festivals and fun.
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