Thursday, August 20, 2009

Close your eyes and tap your heels together

On my endless quest to find Oz - sorry, I mean shoes - that fit within my depleating budget and new grey skinny jeans, I've come across a number of sale items and cheap shoe stores worth a look see if you're after something under $150 for the weekend.

While wearing heels at the football is not the most practical of outfits, one should always look their best, especially on the off chance a hunky player may walk past after the game.... just don't tell my man I've got a crush on Jonathon Brown - I'll never hear the end of it being a Port Adelaide supporter.

If only Port Adelaide were still just black and white (thanks for stealing our guernsey's Collingwood). Red shoes just don't go with the teal in my team scarf.

Scooter "Longoria" $129.95
A great style that won't date - just make sure you spray on some weather protector before wearing - vodka and suede don't mix!

Mollini "Pepper" $70
A bargain buy and a great shape. Go all out with red toe nail polish to match!

Mollini "Grosgrain ribbon" $128
A classic, girly style with a solid heel and slightly raised sole to stop sore feet after a long night out.

Siren "Appro" $149.95

Not exactly red but they're just HOT. Plus nowhere near as expensive as the original Louis Vuitton design!

Siren "Cult" $139.95
Again, not red but I'm also on the look out for something a little flash to go with my navy blue cargo pants from Witchery and these are right on the money.

If you're really strapped for cash and still want something for the weekend, it's worth checking out Payless Shoes. Most people can't tell the difference between the $200 and the $50 patent black pumps plus you won't feel bad for spilling drinks all over the $50 pair.

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