I hate to start a paragraph with "ever since I was a little girl" for fear of sounding like a cheesy midday movie but ever since I was a little girl I've been immersed in Vogue magazines from every corner of the globe. I wasn't around when my Grandma was a hairdresser in Sydney's CBD all those years ago but I am pretty certain a staple on the side table at her salon would most certainly have been Vogue.
My man only recently commented on how he can't understand why one would want to keep a magazine after reading it and frequently gives me stick for flipping through the glossy pages for the umpteenth time but I have my reasons (and no, it's not because I think one day they will be worth something - they're like those Tazo things, great to look at but will never be worth more than what you paid for them).

Many a day as a young girl I would spend with my Mum (or own my own when I was old enough to use scissors unsupervised) going through Vogue magazines from her mile long collection, cutting out all manner of items for school projects, artworks and even the odd birthday card. And it's thanks to my Mum hoarding all those copies years ago that I've started to keep my own. One day I know they will come in handy when my own kids might require a few words or images to add to their art assignment. Then again, if the technology in schools keeps moving forward as it is now, there's always the local doctors surgery who will no doubt need some copies for their reception areas.
Hopefully in this years September issue we'll get a look back at some of the wonderful fads and fashions that have come across Vogue's pages in it's last 50 years and maybe even catch a glimpse at what the future holds for the company (with the recent decline in magazine sales, it will be interesting to see how the industry deals with the drop). But what I hope for most is a few pages of the Vogue magazine covers of old. Currently up on the website is what I thought would be said list but alas, it only dates back to December 2003 (I can actually remember back that far).
Here's hoping at least people will continue to put up their own images on the internet so children in the next century will be able to google "old Vogue covers" and see what magazines were really like back in the day.
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