At least once in every woman’s life, she’ll sit down to make a list - be it what to pack on a holiday, the pros and cons of a relationship or who to invite to her wedding. We all know lists can be written with all good intentions then end up in the bottom of our handbags with old receipts and dirty tissues but stick to them when there’s money involved and you’ll thank yourself later.

We all know we lose the most heat around our body from our head so it makes sense to jump on the winter hat trend and this year, it's a BIG trend. For some a winter hat might not be overly practical if you have to go in and out of an office building several times a day but for those that spend a little more time outside and need to keep your body temperature in check, try a beret, beanie or peaked style.
Scarves, scarves and more scarves
Ever felt like you wear the same 5 outfits each week but change the day you wear them on in the hope that no one will notice? Well worry no more, invest in a few scarves for the new season and your wardrobe almost doubles. Whether its lightweight cotton, fringe edged or pom-pom ended, add one of these winter warmers to your outfit and everyone will think you’ve been on a Paris Hilton like shopping spree over the weekend.
Keep me warm coats
If you need a reason to hang a blazer in your cupboard because you can’t get past the feeling of being back in high school, just take a leaf out of Kate Moss’ book. Known for a number of signature styles and starting trends, she has a knack of putting together a great blazer and dress look. Topped off with opaque stockings and either boots or patent heels, it’s a simple yet classic look that will help take a summer dress into the cooler months.

For those in areas that require a thicker coat or just when you need something to keep the warmth in while travelling from one club to the next, go for a perfectly cut long winter coat. The trench coat is of course the most classic (think Ingrid Bergman in Casablanca and Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s) but the military jacket or double breasted pea coat are other options to keep an eye out for.
And then there’s the cardigan – if you follow fashion in any way, shape or form you’ll know they aren’t just for nanna’s anymore. The long line cardigan can be found in every store from Supre to Sussan and are an easy update for the earlier months of winter when a coat is too much (or if like me your air conditioning at work seems to be stuck on 21° and makes your shoulders freeze on a daily basis).
One thing to take note of when on the lookout for a long cardigan is the shape around the hemline. The long line cut is great for hiding a slightly wider thigh however; some cuts can actually billow in the wrong place making you look like you’ve spent too much time on the exercise bike.
The best way to avoid this is to lay the cardigan down flat and buttoned up. If there’s a pear shape in front of you, avoid it at all costs (unless of course your Lindsay Lohan and could actually do with some plumping up).
Legs eleven
We all know the leggings trend has caused wide spread debate in fashion circles but it seems it’s a look that’s hung around longer than most of us thought. If you like the extra warmth leggings give but don’t like the look then try these – thick black opaque stockings are like the blazer, a bit high school but they not only stop your legs from getting frostbite, they also make you look taller. Wearing boots? Then go with the leggings for even colder days, you don’t see where they stop at the ankle and don’t have the sheer look stockings can give (tip: search for a pair with seams on the inside of the leg or none at all).
These boots were made for walking
Ah the shoe boot. Who would have thought there was a new style out there just waiting to pop up on a celebrity foot and make 99% of the female population drool worse than Homer Simpson? While I’m not all for the shoe boot (short legs you see) I’m still seeing huge numbers of them on fashionable feet at clubs and restaurants around town. And if you’re not into the shoe boot yet, the knee high boot is and always will be a staple for winter and I have all good intentions of buying myself a new pair this season – I just have to decide which pair.

A last minute inclusion to the list is the hottest item of the year - the biker jacket. While a good quality real leather one might break the budget (and effectively use up your entire stimulus package) with a bit of searching you can pick one up at a bargain price and still have enough left over to pay off a few hundred on the credit card. Alternatively, if you like the look but don’t like the price tag, there are a number of cheaper “leather look” options around.
And so it’s off to the nearest shopping centre I go, list in hand, budget in mind. Of course staying on track and only purchasing the items I said I needed might be hard. Besides, who can resist a few new necklaces and that extra pair of flats that I just must have because they’ll go with everything?
Yours truly
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