It's been a little while and I apologise but I've finally finished putting together a list of a few esssentials you might need to add to your wardrobe this Winter.
Firstly, I have to acknowledge Miss M who specifically asked me for this post. With a budget of just $500, she wanted to know a few cheap but chic items worth purchasing for the cooler months and I've had a great time searching the internet for you.
Every item I've chosen is under $200 so you should easily be able to make your budget stretch across a few pieces instead of just one or two and most of what I have chosen is reasonably classic so they should last you a little while longer than just this season.
I've broken things up into a few categories - Tops, Dresses/Tunics, Bottoms, Softgoods & Jewellery so you can check out what you think you need easily. Apologies if any of these items are no longer available as I did start this a few weeks ago.
I hope this helps with your shopping for Winter Miss M - be sure to let me know what you do end up buying and whether my list has helped! Happy shopping everyone.