Weeeellll, it didn't take me long. I've had my computer back for less than 24 hours and I've already found things to post about. It's unfortunately 4.26am Saturday 19th December. Yes, I'm awake and posting. For some reason, I woke up at roughly 3am this morning (actually, I know the reason and it had everything to do with my bloke throwing his arm over me in his sleep but unfortunately not in a "I even want to cuddle you while I'm asleep" kind of way). Once awake, I started thinking of a million things and couldn't get back to sleep: Why can't I find plain white gift tags for my christmas presents anywhere? Am I going to have to make them myself? I really want to go to Ikea tomorrow but I know I will end up spending money we don't have and my man will kill me (I wonder if I showed him my list whether he'd allow me to go and promise not to get anything more than what's on the list). What am I going to wear to a friends BBQ this afternoon? Why did I drink so much wine last night (wait - I think I know the answer to that one). I wonder what my dog thinks of me sitting in an almost pitch black room in front of the computer at 3am? And the list goes on...... I'm sure you can now see why I got up.Anywho, I'm babbling so I shall get on with it. I realised after doing some general web browsing that it's been about 8 months since I started this blog and in all that time, I can't remember dedicating a post to a cute blog by some close friends of mine. So belated it may be but ladies and gentlemen, here is Magnolia Gray!Ok, so I'm sure I've mentioned it before and there is a link over there ----> to their site but I can't seem to remember doing a "Blogs worth checking out" on them. The two lovely ladies who are Magnolia Gray are Merrin & Courtney. I went to school with Merrin and Courtney is her soon to be sister in law. And I tell you, these two have such an eye for great things, it kills me.
Since I've got so much time on my hands of late, I went to visit Merrin and her little baby Evie yesterday afternoon and as always, had to stop myself from admiring everything in her house and not paying attention to our conversation. After looking at their blog and their wonderful assortment of hand made gifts, baby clothes and more, you'll see why I enjoy visiting Merrin and checking out her house so much. They sell their items to friends and family but also at the Powerhouse Markets. Back in October they invited a bunch of people around to drool (and purchase) their items and I tell you,
I was in heaven. They make everything from decorated rompers and baby singlets to hand painted artwork and gift cards. I got myself a cute bird image frame but can't seem to find my picture of it right now (I shall post one later though).I'm not sure how frequently they attend the markets these days (Merrin/Court, if you're reading this, please let everyone know!) but be sure to check out their blog and contact them if you want to purchase any of their items (I believe they are working on a website so I'll post about that when it goes live). Another reason for my early morning post this morning is gift tags. A few weeks back I decided to can christmas cards completely. While I love getting and giving cards (and enjoy making my own) when it comes to christmas cards, I just can't get excited about them. You have to think of a million different things to say to each family member, they read it and tell you how lovely it is then put it in the pile with all the others while they attack their gift. So to a) avoid buying or making cards that will only get thrown out after a few months and b) help save some trees by not buying/making them, I decided that the best way to personalise each present while still allowing me some space to write a small sentiment was to use gift tags (sorry ozone layer - I will need some paper for this).
The problem with this idea though? They are not easy to find ready made. Which normally is fine by me, I would rather make my own. However, what I've been searching for for almost 2 months is plain white, blank pre-cut gift tags that I can personalise with my own images, stamps, text etc. Can I find them
anywhere though? No. And it's slowly driving me insane (hence I'm up at 4am writing this....). I have found some at a local newsagent but they are that lovely shade of cream - you know, manilla folder cream and unfortunately that colour just doesn't go with my christmas tree nor my christmas presents (my decorations are red, blue and white and I match all my wrapping paper and ribbon to the tree decorations).
One of my many reasons for wanting to visit Ikea is there is every chance they have some in other colours - apparently Courtney managed to pick some up from there (thanks for the tip Merrin!) so I'm desperate to get down there and find them. Failing that, I know I'm going to have to make my own.
While this isn't a hard task (draw the shape, print, cut, personalise), I do like ready made ones with the little punched hole and cute die cut shapes. Plus anything that requires me to cut non straight lines makes me shiver, I'm hopeless at getting cut edges to look professional.
And so my search continues. Should anyone know where I can find some blank gift tags (other than ebay or etsy as it's a bit late for delivery so close to christmas) I'd love to hear from you! If my search brings up nothing, I shall document my attempt at making them and endeavour to post all about it in the coming weeks.
Since it's now 5am and I'm ready for cuppa number 2, I shall bid you farewell and only hope that you're not up reading this as I hit post.....