How great that they took traditional NYE party ideas and gave them a cool, modern twist. I'm in lurv.......

After watching my man get a blister thanks to the bookshelf assembly, I re-organised the office room and sat down to read a few blogs. If you haven't checked out Parcel Post yet, you are missing out. I found out that this particular blog is the work of a lovely young couple who own a store in Venice, California called Urbanic. And I tell you, this is my DREAM shop. All that stunning paper and stationery, bookshelves full of ribbon and gifts and invitations..... lord I would go nuts in a place like this. If I had the money, I'd be out scouring Brisbane for a shop front to fill with things just like the products at Urbanic right now. I think I'm going to start buying lotto tickets - first on my list would be travelling to Venice to check these guys out, then back home (maybe via New York, Paris, Greece) to set up my own shop....... Ahhhh, one can dream can't they?
Add some brown paper (recycled of course)....
It may not be as fancy as A Gift Wrapped Life but it still had the desired effect - I got word from the newly engaged couple that they couldn't bear to open the present but when they did, they loved it so much they put the canvases up straight away!
Jodi Gordon: Yahoo7
Hat: OperaScurra on Etsy
Sonia Kruger & Jen Hawkins: Yahoo7
Fascinator: Diva
Outfit: Portmans
White dress: Sportsgirl
Race Day cutie: Ninemsn
Lace dress: Birdie on Etsy
Photo credits/items:
Table setting: Design Mom
Jar: Tomato & Cantaloupe Salad from Sunday Suppers
Feather Fascinator: Vie Moderne on Etsy
Necklace: Sweet Surprises on Etsy
Absinthe poster: Blue Dog Posters
Singlet: French Connection
Lady in yellow (and blue): The Satorialist
Jordana Brewster: Popsugar
Bouquet: Green Wedding Shoes
Typewriter: Authors own!
Print: Authors own creation!
Last but by no means least today, a wonderful image from Blue Dog Posters. If you're after cheap and fantastic posters for yourself of for a gift, these guys are worth checking out. This great Guiness number is just $11 without a frame (not including postage). Get yourself a cheap Ikea or Target frame or send it off to a professional and whola! Cheap & cheerful gift for someone special. Thanks to my Mum for passing these guys onto me. I'm highly considering purchasing myself an Breakfast At Tiffany's poster after the last one I had mysteriously ended up with little holes in it after I found the dog walking around our spare room..... seems our pup isn't a fan of Ms Hepburn.....
Enjoy your weekends, whether your hot (Brisbane), windy (Melbourne) or anywhere in between (the rest of the country!).